Questions and Answers
Walker Memorial Hall FAQs
I've passed by Walker Memorial Hall many times, but I've never been inside. How can I see the interior?
We plan to host Open Houses for the public a few times each year during the renovation. Keep an eye on the event listing on this website for information about scheduled Open Houses. If you have a special need or requirement that cannot be met by attending a public Open House, please send an email to explaining the situation and we will attempt to accommodate you.
Is Walker Memorial Hall wheelchair accessible? Kid-friendly?
No. In its present unrestored condition, wheelchair access is not possible. No provisions have been made to accommodate children, so parents are responsible for keeping their children safe and under control.
How much time should I plan on spending for a visit to Walker Memorial Hall?
There are no predefined tours, so plan on taking a walkthrough at your leisure, which will take roughly fifteen minutes.
What public facilities are available at Walker Hall?
In its present, unrestored condition, Walker Memorial Hall has no running water, no bathrooms, no heating or cooling, and very limited electrical service. Be prepared to rough it.
I understand that Walker Memorial Hall was built by a bequest from Joseph Walker to benefit residents of Bridgton School District 18. Who are they?
The old system of school districts is long gone and was defunct even before Walker Memorial Hall was built. Think of "School District 18" as a shorthand way of designating the community comprising residents alongside the eastern shore of Highland Lake, including Highland Road and Ingalls grove. Walker's will designated $5000 to be used by his Trustees for the benefit of that community. While this designation is of historical interest, currently the Hall is considered to be a resource supporting the greater Bridgton community.
Who owns Walker Memorial Hall?
Until recently, the Hall was owned by a Trust that was created by the Maine State Probate Court when Joseph Walker's estate was settled in 1892. In October 2023, ownership of the Hall was transferred to the 501(3)(c) non-profit corporation that is performing the renovation. The corporation will continue to manage the property for the benefit of District 18 residents, but they do not have any ownership interest.
When will Walker Memorial Hall be fully renovated?
No fixed date has been settled on. At year-end 2024, most of the "invisible" infrastructure (e.g. foundation, well, electricity, etc.) is complete and the renovation is beginning to transition to more visible features (ADA entrance, kitchen, bathroom, etc.). We will continue fundraising and increase the scope of renovation activities to match the funding level and interests of the community. To a large extent, the renovation program will be defined and driven by the community.
How can I help ? Participate? Get involved?
Of course, donations are welcomed and are essential to meeting the overall goals of the restoration. However, people's ability to provide financial support varies widely, so non-financial support is also welcomed and appreciated.
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If you are interested in volunteering to support the Hall, please fill out an application. You will learn about opportunities to participate in various ad hoc activities such as clean up days, light painting & repairs, landscaping / gardening, window washing, etc., etc., etc.
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